Rotierender Kreis, der aus vielen feinen Linien besteht
Gruppenfoto im neuen Büro in Singapur

Opening of the new office and the 50th anniversary party in Singapore

In January 2024 we reached two important milestones – our new office opened and we celebrated the 50th anniversary of HENSOLDT UK (formerly Kelvin Hughes) in Singapore. Our team's enthusiasm and energy made both these events unforgettable.

Gruppenfoto auf der World Defence Show 2024

HENSOLDT at the World Defence Show 2024 in Riad

We were proud to participate in the World Defence Show in Riad – one of the leading events for defence and security technology worldwide. The show was a great opportunity to talk to international partners, experts and decision-makers about the future of defence technology.

Foto des neuen Logistikstandortes aus der Luft

Opening of the new logistics hub in Laichingen

In the future, thanks to new SAP modules (Extended Warehouse Management and Global Trade System), we will be able to precisely track where every individual material is currently located and how much of it is available. This will make logistics and our supply chains much more transparent. The project was completed in record time thanks to close collaboration across multiple divisions.

Portraitfoto von


On 1 April 2024, Oliver Dörre took over the role of Chief Executive Officer at HENSOLDT AG.

Foto von der Hauptversammlung mit CEO Oliver Dörre und seinem Vorstandsteam

AGM 2024

This was a special event for our new CEO Oliver Dörre; for the first time, he and his executive team answered detailed questions from our shareholders at the AGM. A total of 78.36% of the share capital was represented at the Wappenhalle in Munich.

Gruppenfoto auf der ILA in Berlin

HENSOLDT at the ILA in Berlin

For both HENSOLDT and ESG Elektroniksystem- und Logistik-GmbH, the ILA was an emphatic demonstration of our excellent products and solutions as well as our ardent commitment to our customers.

Foto von Generalleutnant Alfons Mais bei seinem Besuch im HENSOLDT Standort Oberkochen vor einem Militärtruck

The Inspector of the German Army, Lieutenant General Alfons Mais, visited our HENSOLDT sites in Oberkochen and Aalen

During the visit, he was able to gain an overview of our production growth, our sensor solutions and HENSOLDT's key technologies and investments. He found HENSOLDT to be a reliable partner for this new era and for the German armed forces ground troops.

Foto eines Fregatte F126

HENSOLDT receives an additional order to supply TRS-4D marine radars

The F126 frigates of the German navy are to be equipped with additional TRS-4D radars. This will increase the total order value to more than 200 million euros.

Gruppenfoto jubelde Teilnehmer des Einstein-Marathon

Crossing the finish line as a team: Einstein Marathon 2024

HENSOLDT entered the 2024 Einstein marathon with around 300 runners. Both the team and the individual participants achieved great results.

Foto eines abhebenden PEGASUS-Flugzeugs

HENSOLDT, Lufthansa Technik Defence and Bombardier Defence celebrate the successful maiden flight of the PEGASUS aircraft

The Global jet from Bombardier, which was modified for the German land forces' "Persistent German Airborne Surveillance System (PEGASUS)", took off from the Bombardier Wichita Flight Test Center.

Foto von CEO Oliver Dörre und Paul Lemmo sitzend an einem Tisch mit deutscher und amerikanischer Flagge rechts und links

Strengthening transatlantic collaboration

CEO Oliver Dörre and Paul Lemmo, Vice President & General Manager Integrated Warfare Systems and Sensors at Lockheed Martin, signed a Memorandum of Understanding regarding a planned collaboration for maritime guidance systems and radar technologies.

Foto einer Präsentation vom Kapitalmarkttag

Capital Market Day

HENSOLDT hosted its fourth capital market day. The event gives institutional investors and finance analysts the opportunity to gain insights into the business development and the strategy of our company.













Bild von einer Weltkugel mit Linien in Graustufen und bläulichem Licht

Management Report and

Financial Statements 2024

HENSOLDT is established as a leading player in the European defence industry – with an attractive and innovative business model and a strong financial base. This is reflected in its performance in the 2024 financial year: HENSOLDT was able to continue its growth trajectory with additional momentum and recorded an increase in order intake and revenue while remaining highly profitable.